

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Emergency Preparedness Activity

A few years ago, I brought my kids to Columbus to watch some of my nieces and nephews while Teresa, Steve and Matt went on a trip. That was the week Columbus decided to host a major flood. Sonnie Warnick, her friend, and I took 10 kids to Louisville the day it rained. On our way back, any entry into Columbus was blocked, forcing us to turn around and stay in Seymour for the night. Luckily, were we able to get home that next morning. I remember driving to church later and seeing the serious damage everywhere. Many of you experienced this as well.
I bring this up because it's all I could think about the night of our meeting on emergency preparedness on Thursday, November 20th. Emergency situations are inevitable: they have happened before and they will happen again. We have been warned repeatedly by the voices of our prophets to prepare for this eventuality.

We started off the night with Jane Spencer instructing us while we made pinecone firestarters. They were easy and fun, and I'm looking forward to trying mine out. If you'd like to know how it's done, give Jane a call!

Wendy DeLuna then gave a lot of practical advice on what we need to start doing to be prepared for an emergency. We all know about the food, but keep in mind, as Wendy reminded us, that we also need to think about toiletries, matches, first aid, communication and easy access to important documentation if evacuation is necessary. Also, be sure to keep a hard copy of your scriptures nearby! If electricity is out, we can't charge our phones and iPads! 
We are all believers in the Lord's Gospel. We know that Christ will come again and we look forward to that day! Between now and then, however, there are going to be some major obstacles that we are called upon to be prepared for. Start with your 72 hour kit and build slowly from there, or get it all done at once! Whatever is in your power, get started!

We hope to see you at our next activity!

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