

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Art of Bread Making Activity
October 20, 2016

Kayla Jones has an amazing talent of making artisan bread. She not only taught us how to make the bread, but also the science of making bread. Some people took some dough home to bake in their own oven. The follow are pictures of people "folding" the bread, not "kneading" the bread.  Mikell Murray shared some thoughts on the importance of baking, "Psychologists say cooking and baking are pursuits that fit a type of therapy known as behavioral activation. The goal is to alleviate depression by boosting positive activity, increasing goal-oriented behavior and curbing procrastination and passivity.
“If the activity is defined as personally rewarding or giving a sense of accomplishment or pleasure, or even seeing the pleasure of that pumpkin bread with chocolate chips making someone else happy, then it could improve a sense of well-being,” says Jacqueline Gollan, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.
Ms. Tafoya, a clinical counselor, says preparing and sharing food with others is therapeutic because it’s central to who we are as human beings. “The ability to eat and share food is very, very primal,” she says. “Eating or breaking bread with someone has healing capacities beyond anything that we can really quantify."