

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Presidency Message
November 2016

As each day passes, we witness untold conflicts and perils all around us.   These distracting and offensive things are a prophesied part of the times we live in.  We have been warned about these times through the scriptures and our prophets, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that terrible things are happening, but it is still very disconcerting to live through so much evil all around us.  And to top it off, we have also been warned that in the last days even the “very elect … according to the covenant” will be deceived. Those of the covenant include the sisters of this Church who have been baptized and made covenants with their Heavenly Father. Even we are at risk of being deceived by false teachings.
The good news is that even though there is so much evil, there is also increased light and truth.  It also encircles us, and it is there for the choosing and grasping.
It is becoming a necessity that we live in such a way to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion.  The Sacrament becomes ever more important, as we recommit each week to DO certain things, so that we can HAVE certain things, i.e., keep the commandments so we can have His spirit always.  We need to be praying for the gift of discernment so we can navigate the upside down world of good being called evil, and evil, good.  We need to stand in holy places so we can tell the difference when we’re not.  We need to acknowledge that we will not always, every single day, be strong.  We need to lean on others we trust during those times, and then when we are strong, lift those around us who weakened.  We need to find joy each day, because it is there!  But if we don’t look for it we can get overwhelmed by negativity and not realize the joyful moments.  We also need to realize that we need to set examples for those coming behind us.  They need us to teach by our actions, not just our words.  They need to know we have struggled, but we have also found our answers.
I know that we can overcome anything when we put our trust in God.  We are the elect, according to the covenant, and with that comes great promises!  We can be armed with God’s power, and His name can be upon us, His glory round about us, and His angels can have charge over us. Draw upon those promises!  Ask for them in your life. 
With love, and trust and faith in each one of you,


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