

Friday, January 2, 2015

Presidency Message January 2015

What Did President Monson Have to Say in 2014?

Following a living prophet is one of the tenants and privileges of membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We believe that God has restored His church to the earth exactly as it was when Christ was on the earth, including prophets and apostles. Currently, our prophet is Thomas S Monson.  Many of us happily choose to follow his counsel and advice, however the question must be asked, are our ears open?  Have we heard, for instance, the things the prophet has said in just this last year?  I think sometimes we become numb to the messages because either we have heard them “so many times”, or we aren’t listening with our spiritual ears.

I would challenge you to go back and re-read the talks and First Presidency messages given by President Monson in 2014.  Make some notes, then pray and ponder so that you can truly “hear” what he is saying to you and your family.  I know you will be blessed by doing this.

Here are just a few highlights from what he has admonished us just this past year:
  • We urge all Latter-day Saints to be prudent in their planning, to be conservative in their living, and to avoid excessive or unnecessary debt. Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had a supply of food and clothing and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have a supply of debt and are food-free.
  • Are we prepared for the emergencies in our lives? Are our skills perfected? Do we live providently? Do we have our reserve supply on hand? Are we obedient to the commandments of God? Are we responsive to the teachings of prophets? Are we prepared to give of our substance to the poor, the needy? Are we square with the Lord?
  • When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.
  • The reason the Church is growing today is that the Lord indicated it would. In the Doctrine and Covenants, He said, “Behold, I will hasten my work in its time.”
  •   He has given us the tools we need, and He will assist us as we seek His help and strive to do all in our power to endure to the end and gain eternal life.
  • May we realize how close to us He is willing to come, how far He is willing to go to help us, and how much He loves us.
  • Only forgiveness heals.
  • Are you the person our Heavenly Father wants you to be and the person you know you should be?
  • We will almost certainly be called upon to defend that which we believe.
  •  I invoke the blessings of heaven upon each of you.

And there’s so much more!!

May we all pledge to be more awake and aware of the counsel we are being given, and then commit and re-commit to living that counsel.



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