

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Canning Jars

Carol Miner has some pint and quart size canning jars she is willing to pass along to anyone interested! Please let her know if you would like any or know of anyone who might need them!

2016 Columbus 1st Ward Theme

Make and Keep Sacred Covenants
D&C 25:13 Wherefore, lift up thy heart and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou hast made.

Think of how many billions of people have lived on the earth.
The Lord has never broken His covenants with one of them!
He has never withheld the promised blessings from one person
who has been true to his covenants. What are the chances that
you or I would be the first He withheld promises from?
It will never happen. If we keep our covenants then the promises are sure.

There are promises associated with each covenant the Lord has given to us.
We can listen carefully for the promises. If you have been through the
temple you can participate again and again n the different ordinances performed
there and listen carefully to the promises given as part of the covenants.
Thinking of those marvelous blessings is almost overwhelming.
They can be ours. They will be ours if we keep our covenants.
There is no gamble here; it is sure.

“A covenant made with God is not restrictive, but protective…
Covenants do not hold us down; they elevate us beyond the limits
of our own power and perspective" Russell M Nelson

Elder Boyd K. Packer taught: "Ordinances and covenants become our
credentials for admission into His presence. To worthily receive them is
the quest of a lifetime; to keep them thereafter is the challenge of mortality"

When we make covenants with God, we express our desire to serve Him,
and our willingness to obey all that is asked of us. In return, God promises
us many wonderful blessings. We must make and keep covenants in order
to progress toward eternal life.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell said, "If we will keep our covenants, the covenants will keep us spiritually safe"

Isaiah Class

Isaiah Class Beginning January 19th!!

Just a reminder that our new Isaiah Class begins Tuesday January 19th. It's at Teresa Vincent's home, from 7-8:30. Melissa Smith, a former ward member, will be leading the class. We will only have 5 classes (Jan. thru May), and her proposed outline is as follows:

1st Class (Jan 19):    Structural/ Historical Isaiah
2nd Class (Feb 16):  Poetic/ Literary Isaiah
3rd Class (Mar 15):  Apocalyptic Isaiah
4th Class (April 19:  Symbolic Isaiah
5th Class (May 17):  Prophetic Isaiah

Join us the 3rd Tuesday of each month!

January Presidency Message

"Remember Lot's Wife"

"As a new year starts and we try to benefit from a proper view of what has gone before, I plead with you not to dwell on days now gone, nor to yearn vainly for yesterdays, however good those yesterdays may have been. The past is to be learned from but not lived in. We look back to claim the embers from glowing experiences but not the ashes. and when we have learned what we need to learn and have brought with us the best that we have experi- enced, then we look ahead, we remember that faith is always pointed toward the future. faith always has to do with blessings and truths and events that will yet be efficacious in our lives."