

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Strawberry Picking!

Hey all,

Next Tuesday weather providing we will be going strawberry picking at Clarks berry farm in North Vernon. It's about a 40 min drive and we will try to be there around 10am. We are taking a sack lunch for a picnic and will probably stay until about 12. If you can you should come. Last year my kids really enjoyed it and picked quite a few berries themselves. It is $1.35 a lb for the u-pick. We ate at least 5 lbs on the drive home last year and made jam and froze the other 5 lbs we bought. They were soo good. Bring cash!

Hope to see you there
Mikell Murray

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Girls "DAY" Out for June!


Doesnt this look like a blast??

Join us on Saturday, June 20
th for a day at Lake Monroe!
All Relief Society sisters are invited, AND the girls who are
graduating from high school. Let
s show them how much
fun Relief Society can be!

*Right now we are limiting this activity to sisters and seniors in our ward ONLY until we see how many are interested in coming!

We need you to sign up in one of the binders on Sunday so
we know how to plan,
You can arrive at the dock at Lake Monroe at either:
10am or 2pm

(we will swing by the dock and pick up and drop off groups at that time)

Your own food
Bathing Suit
(life jackets are provided) 

No cost to you 


Just to get you all excited... Our activity for July will be a
smorgasbord of S'MORES! YUM!
Thursday July 9th @ 7pm
Bring a unique ingredient to make s'mores such as ginger cookies, saltines, strawberry jam, fresh fruit, peanut butter, dark chocolate, nuts....you name it!
More details to come soon!

Monday, May 18, 2015


Alena Erickson the Preparation Specialist in the Columbus 4th Ward, has put together a list of the cheapest places and easiest ways to buy some bulk food storage items.  She has summed up the info as follows:

Beans, lentils, rice, oats are least expensive purchased from Seven K Farms, because it's local and no shipping.  Call Jim Kleinhenz at 812-526-2651 if you want to place an order.
The least expensive way to buy wheat is from the Bishop's store house.  Go online or visit the Bishop's Storehouse yourself in Indianapolis.

Coconut oil from Soaperschoice.com. They have organic virgin in 7 pound jugs (a gallon is 8 pound) it's food grade and non refined so the shelf life will be a long time. It's a healthy oil far beyond anything else we could store except lard. It would be a prized resource in the event we had nothing else and it's wonderful to use every day. It's the lowest price I have seen at $33 per jug.

If you are interested in purchasing honey, I am pulling together another bulk honey order as requested. We had such a large order and with the continued interest they made it simpler on me and made us an order form on their website, Coxshoney.com. Go to the website; to click on locations; click on Indiana; and then fill out their order form. Our prices are based on bulk ordering so they are lower than what the website itself offers! The system will save the orders. People will pay me (Alena Erickson) and I will send them one big check from all of us to simplify. I will notify everyone when the shipment comes in. Again, checks need to be turned in and orders filled out before June first. Email me with any questions.  Have them note an email I can reach them by.

My address is:

5180 South 550 West
Columbus, 47201

email:  8ericksens@gmail.com

Sunday, May 10, 2015


This months 5th Sunday Meeting will be a special presentation!

The Dobson's, the construction missionaries at the Indianapolis Temple, will be coming to talk to us about the new temple!

This will take place during the 3rd hour of church on Sunday, May 31st.

Relief Society Temple Trip

Louisville Temple Trip

Saturday, May 30th
Leaving at 6:30 am

We will be dividing into 2 groups
1 will do 8:30 endowment session
1 will do 8:00 baptisms

**This will be our last RS Temple Trip to the Louisville Temple before the Indianapolis Temple opens**

Salsa and Guacamole Cook Off!

This months Girls Night Out is promised to be a spicy one!

Come out for a night of sampling the best salsa and guacamole in the ward!

When: Friday, May 15th
Where: Tracy Kleinhenz home 
Time: 7pm
Bring: Salsa, Guacamole, Chips...and sunshine!
Who: Any Relief Society sister, young women and friends!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

May Calendar

May Events

May 12 & 3- Tri-Stake Single Adult
Conference: Fishers

May 3- YSA Devotional on lds.org 8pm

May 3- Fast Sunday

May 9th- Stake Women’s Conference/Classes
and Brunch from 9am-12:30pm at the Stake

May 10- Mother’s Day

May 15th- (Friday night) Girls Night Out/ Salsa and Guacamole Cook Off. Tracy Kleinhenz home 7 pm

May 21st- Book of Mormon Class/ 7pm at
RaNae Shoaf’s House/ Reading Assignment:

May 27- Memorial Day

May 30- Relief Society Temple Trip: leave at 6:30 am; 2 groups: 1 will do 8:30 Endowment Session, 1 will do 8:00 Baptisms

May Presidency Message

Presidency Message by Malya Scheibler

 Transitions in life can be difficult, but with extra attention given to each incoming young woman, the transition of young women into Relief Society can be a happy, fulfilling step from youth into adulthood. Quite literally, the first time an eighteen-year-old joins the other women of the ward in Relief Society, she moves from the sisterhood of Young Women to join the Relief Society sisterhood that will be hers throughout the remainder of her life. Carol L Clark
Alma told his people “that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.” (Mosiah 18:21.) As young women become members of Relief Society, they should feel “knit together in love” with the sisters they have left in Young Women and those they greet in Relief Society.
President Elaine Jack enthusiastically says that “nurturing should be a part of what we do as Relief Society women. We don’t have to wait until young women are eighteen to reach out to them and to build bridges of understanding to them.
“Unfortunately, in some areas of the Church there are erroneous stereotypes about Relief Society. Some young women may still think of Relief Society solely as a place for older women. It’s our job to help them understand that Relief Society, like Young Women, exists to bless their lives and to help them learn the principles of the gospel.”

April Book of Mormon Class Recap

In April we read Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni and Words of Mormon.
Even though these books had less reading material to cover, the
the volume of doctrine, principles and teachings could not be
adequately covered in our short class time. 
We spent a lot of time discussing Jacob’s desire to impress upon
his people the importance of chastity; of husbands especially,  
honoring their marriages and families.  In today’s world we can
relate to his heartbroken plea to “…not excuse [our]selves in
committing [sins]…which are abominable unto me…” 
With pornography, and the other trappings of our
day, many families can relate to the destruction that occurs
when immorality of any kind is brought into a home and a marriage. 
Jacob implored them:  “Ye have broken the hearts of your tender wives,
and lost the confidence of your children, because of your bad
examples before them; and the sobbings of their hearts ascend
up to God against you. And because of the strictness of the
word of God, which cometh down against you, many hearts
died, pierced with deep wounds.” (Jacob 2:35)  His counsel for them
(and for us), was to, “arouse the faculties of [our] souls; shake [our]selves
that ye may awake from [our] slumber…”  It seems the message to us
all is to “Wake Up!  Stand Up!  Come Unto Christ!”
We also spent a lot of time discussing the Allegory of the Olive Tree
in Jacob 5 (taken directly from the writings of Zenos on the Brass Plates).
This amazing account tells of the Lord’s purposes in scattering
and gathering the house of Israel.  As you read this “story”, you can
feel and see the Lord’s dealings with all of His children throughout history.
The parable is an allegory of the relationship between Jesus Christ,
the world, and men. The master of the vineyard is Jesus, the servant is (are)
His prophets, the vineyard is the world, and the olives represent the
lives and works of men. This parable is a metaphor for Israel's
relationship with Jesus Christ.  Jeffrey R Holland said of this amazing
parable:  “There is much more here than simply the unraveling of
convoluted Israelite history. Of greater significance in this allegory is
the benevolent view of God that it provides. He is portrayed here as
one who repeatedly, painstakingly, endlessly tries to save the work of
His hands and in moments of greatest disappointment holds His head
in His hands and weeps, ‘What could I have done more for my vineyard?’
(Jacob 5:41, 47, 49.) This allegory is a declaration of divine love, of God’s
unceasing effort as a father laboring on behalf of His children.”
It was a wonderful discussion of these books of scripture.
Discussing how they affect us individually, our testimonies have

been strengthened, and our love for our Savior increased.