

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Marie Caudell

"During WWII the Japanese forced the young people to work in the rice filed, I was one of them. The Americans reclaimed the island the war was over. The civilian hospital was under the control of the Naval Government and needed more nurses. I decided to go to Nursing School. After graduating, I was hired to work in the new wing as charge nurse and assigned to relieve the night supervision on Wednesdays. Work for 5 years and got married and left for the states. I lived in Indianapolis for 10 years, then moved to Princeton, IL. I went back to nursing, working in the local hospital there for 3 years. I moved to Rolla, MO and worked in the Phelp Co. hospital in the ICU. I enrolled in Nursing Psychology in University of Missouri, Columbus and Guiding and Counseling in University of Missouri, Rolla.  I moved back to Indiana, where I start working in Columbus Regional Hospital in surgical services. My specialty was surgery and laser.  I have a degree in BS in Professional Art, concentration in Health Services Administration (a long distance education). I took summer residency -to take ethic, leadership training, and strategic management-Saint Joseph College, Windham Maine. Joined the LDS Church and sealed with my husband in Washington DC Temple. Served in Louisville Temple, young woman advisor, cub scout leader and teacher. Retired from C.R.H after 30 years, my husband was very happy to have me home."

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Stake Conference

We will be having Stake Conference on Sunday April, 26th at 10:00am. This will replace our regular Sunday meeting schedule. However, we will still meet at the Columbus ward building. The conference will be presented through broadcast from both our Stake Presidency and leaders in Salt Lake City. 

Stake Women's Conference

MOSES 7:18

Saturday-May 9th
Classes & Brunch 9:00am-12:30pm
Building Zion- Through Ordinances of Salvation
Building Zion- Through Temple Service
Building Zion- In Indiana
Building Zion- One Year at a Time
Building Zion- as We Become Endowed with Power
Building Zion- Starts at Home 
*Bring Preferred Device For Indexing During Opening Presentation

Book of Mormon Class Reading Schedule

In case you want to get caught up on reading the Book of Mormon with the Relief Society, here is the reading schedule for the rest of the year. Remember the class meets every 3rd Thursday at RaNae Shoaf's home @ 7pm. Good reading!

April: Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon

May: Mosiah

June: Alma 1-42

July: Alma 43-63

August: Helaman

September: 3rd & 4th Nephi

October: Mormon

November: Ether

December: Moroni

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring into Service!

We have a wonderful opportunity to serve our fellow sisters this month for our Relief Society meeting! On Thursday April 30th, we will meet at the church and divide into two groups to head out to a sisters home, where we will assist with some spring clean up outside!


  • We will meet at the church at 6:00pm then divide into two groups
  • Please bring rakes, step stools, gardening gloves and any other gardening tools you may have as well as window cleaning supplies!
  • Water and snacks will be provided

April Presidency Message

What Have I Done For Someone Today?

Pres. Monson told a story of Dr. Jack McConnell, who learned a great life lesson from his parents.  Growing up in rural Virginia, he was one of seven children of a Methodist minister and a stay-at-home mother. Their circumstances were very humble. The doctor recounted that during his childhood, every day as the family sat around the dinner table, his father would ask each one in turn, “And what did you do for someone today?” The children were determined to do a good turn every day so they could report to their father that they had helped someone. Dr. McConnell calls this exercise his father’s most valuable legacy, for that expectation and those words inspired him and his siblings to help others throughout their lives. As they grew and matured, their motivation for providing service changed to an inner desire to help others.
Besides Dr. McConnell’s distinguished medical career—where he directed the development of the tuberculosis tine test, participated in the early development of the polio vaccine, supervised the development of Tylenol, and was instrumental in developing the magnetic resonance imaging procedure, or MRI—he created an organization he calls Volunteers in Medicine, which gives retired medical personnel a chance to volunteer at free clinics serving the working uninsured. Dr. McConnell said his leisure time since he retired has “evaporated into 60-hour weeks of unpaid work, but [his] energy level has increased and there is a satisfaction in [his] life that wasn’t there before.” He made this statement: “In one of those paradoxes of life, I have benefited more from Volunteers in Medicine than my patients have.” There are now over 70 such clinics across the United States.
What a great thing to ask yourself or your family members each day:  “What have I done for someone today?”  With this question on your mind, you will be more aware to look for even the smallest thing to help another person.  President David O. McKay made this statement: “Man’s greatest happiness comes from losing himself for the good of others.”
This month, our Relief Society Meeting, held on Thursday, April 30th, will be a service opportunity.  We will be going to the homes of 2 of our dear sisters and doing a spring cleaning of their yards, flower beds and gardens.  Pay attention to the announcements for details on this opportunity.  As sisters working together to serve others, we will come away with an increased love for each other and the Savior.  Hopefully, it will be one of many things you can answer to yourself when you consider the question, “What have I done for someone today?”

With love and appreciation for each one of you,


March Book of Mormon Class

Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon)

Great are the words of Isaiah!!

The Book of Mormon Class met on March 19 at RaNae’s
house.  We discussed 2nd Nephi, which covered A LOT of
subjects, doctrine and principles.  People noted that 2nd Nephi
is sometimes difficult to get through because of the “Isaiah
chapters”.  We discussed the fact that Nephi, his brother Jacob,
and the Savior himself affirmed the importance of Isaiah’s writings.
Jesus in His visit to the Nephites, commanded us to search
diligently the words of Isaiah. The Lord said, “Great are the words
of Isaiah. For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my
people which are of the house of Israel”.  And Nephi said, “…for I
know that they shall be of great worth unto them in the last days;
for in that day shall they understand them; wherefore, for their
good have I written them”.
Bruce R McConkie added, “It just may be that my salvation (and yours also!)
does in fact depend upon our ability to understand the writings of Isaiah
as fully and truly as Nephi understood them”.
It is possible to understand these important teachings, as the Lord would
not give us scripture that we are not able to comprehend.
Here are some good reasons to dive into Isaiah:
1.     Isaiah’s words are for everyone. The Savior said that the words
of Isaiah were for all the house of Israel as well as the Gentiles
2.     You can gain greater faith in Jesus Christ. The prophet Nephi
wrote that the words of Isaiah will “more fully persuade [you]
to believe in the Lord [your] Redeemer” (1 Nephi 19:23)
3.     You can gain greater hope. Nephi told his brothers to read Isaiah’s
 words “that [they] may have hope” (1 Nephi 19:24). In a world full
of bad news and pessimism, this is a great promise.
4.     The Savior commanded us to. No Old Testament prophet was
quoted by the Savior more often than Isaiah. And during His
visit to the Nephites, the Savior commanded them to “search
[the words of Isaiah] diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah”
There could be no better endorsement!

Super Saturday Recap

Saturday, February 28 was the joint Relief Society SUPER SATURDAY. Te 4th ward hosted the event, and provided a fabulous day of classed, crafts, lunch and socializing. Several sisters put in a hard core workout at the beginning of the day, and had their heart rates up as they went into the mini-classes. We then began a rotation of 3 classes. Ran Shoaf taught us about the Signs of the Times and helped us all to develop a desire to be more aware and awake to the scriptures and prophecies that warn us of events that will surely come. If we are prepared, we need not fear, but instead feel peace. Alena Erickson then taught wonderful things about wheat, honey and other basics, and incorporating them into our everyday routines. Annette Kleinhenz then taught about Mental Health awareness and let us know that we can actually take a course from the Red Cross and become certified in Mental Health Aid, if we feel inclined to do so.
The day ended with a craft that everyone could participate in, (we made plaques that had a picture of the Indianapolis Temple on them), and a wonderful, colorful, delicious salad bar/muffin lunch.
We want to thank 4th Ward for all their hard work in putting this event together. When we have a gathering like this, you realize just how many sister we don't know in the Columbus area! It is great to have an opportunity to share our common sisterhood and love of the gospel!