

Saturday, February 28, 2015

General Womens Broadcast and Dinner

February Book of Mormon Class

The February class was held at RaNae Shoaf’s home, and despite
very cold temperatures, we had several sisters brave the weather
and feel the warmth of the Spirit as we discussed our thoughts
and insights about the 1st Book of Nephi. 
It’s difficult to cover the many stories, doctrine, principles and
teachings contained in these 22 chapters, but we were able to
discuss in length things like the following:

·       *The faith that was required by Lehi’s family to pick up and
leave their comfort and security, WHILE NOTHING SEEMED
Lehi said it would be destroyed and they HAD to leave, but
even after returning several times to acquire the Brass Plates
or go back for Ishmael’s family, NOTHING seemed different.
So, would we be more like Laman and Lemuel and murmur and
complain, or would we have complete trust and faith as Nephi
had?  What correlations can we make to our lives today?

·       *We discussed the vision of the Tree of Life, and emphasized
the vital importance of continuing, commencing, clinging, and
catching hold to the iron rod (word of God); and then partaking of the
fruit of the tree (the love of God) and not giving up. Hold fast to the Iron Rod is the only way to make it through the mists (temptations) that satan throws at us. 

·       *We talked about the amazing vision Nephi was given as he asked
for an interpretation of his father’s Tree of Life vision.  He saw the
panoramic history of the world, but was forbidden to write most of it.
What was recorded however, tells of our day, the history of the founding
of America, and the coming forth of the restoration of the gospel and
the Book of Mormon.  Laman and Lemuel were confused because
they could not understand the vision like Nephi did, and Nephi asks
them a simple question that applies to us as we try to seek knowledge
guidance and the meaning of things:  Have Ye Inquired of the Lord?

Many other things were discussed as well.  It was a great night sharing our
Love of this powerful book.
You can join in on the Book of Mormon class anytime.  It is held every 3rd
Thursday night, 7pm at RaNae’s home.  Assignment for March:  2nd Nephi

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas!

These are seriously yummy! And if you are always looking for something different to whip up for dinner, this is a fresh new take on traditional enchiladas!

6 tablespoons honey
5 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1 pound chicken, cooked and shredded
8-10 flour tortillas
1 pound monterrey jack cheese, shredded
16 ounces green chile enchilada sauce
1 cup heavy cream

Whisk the first four ingredients and toss with shredded chicken in a ziplock bag. Let it marinate in the fridge for at least 1/2 hour, but preferably a half day or so. Pour about 1/2 cup enchilada sauce on the bottom of a 9X13 baking pan. Fill the tortillas with chicken (saving marinade) and shredded cheese (saving 1 cup to sprinkle on top). Put rolled tortillas in 9X13 pan as you go. Mix the remaining enchilada sauce with the cream and leftover marinade. Pour sauce on top of the enchiladas. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until brown and crispy on top.

March & April Girls Night Out!

Mikell is doing a wonderful job planning fun activities for just us girls to get together and just let loose! Here is what we have have planned for March and April! Can't wait to see you all there!

Game Night, Girls Night!
Lets get together for some fun new games! 
Thursday March 12th at 7PM
Janet Haight’s Home
3365 Spring Valley Dr
Columbus, Indiana 47203

 Easter Pinterest Party
A Pinterest Party means Crafts - Food - Friends. Can't get much better than that!
Thursday April 9th  6PM
Please check back for further information
Start to get inspired for the party by checking out the party board

Recap: January Relief Society Meeting

Great Points to Ponder on Financial Management!!

Jim Shoaf taught a great class for us based on the
Financial Management Class that has been offered at
the ward recently. 
One of the best take aways from the night was the
importance of basing our financial planning around the
payment of tithes and offerings first.  We went over the
wonderful promises connected with these great blessings
including the statement from the Lord in Malachi to “prove
me now herewithif I will not open you the windows
of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there
shall not be room enough to receive it.
Jim will be teaching the entire Financial Workshop beginning
Wednesday, Feb. 11 from 6:30-8pm.  No matter where you
are in your financial readiness, there is always more to learn.

Call Matt Bingham if you would like to attend.  812-657-1685